Ramón Freixa

Ramón Freixa

Catalan chef, he runs the restaurant Ramón Freixa Madrid (located in Hotel Único), awarded with two Michelin stars and three Repsol Suns. Also in the capital is Papagena, in the Teatro Real, with stunning views of the Royal Palace; joined by Mas de Torrent in the hotel of the same name in the Empordà; Singular in the hotel The Lodge in Mallorca and Erre in the Colombian city of Cartagena de Indias; all different in concept, but united by Mediterranean origins always present. In addition, it is possible to enjoy their gastronomy on board Renfe trains.

In Ramón Freixa's cuisine there is daring, innovation and wisdom, an impeccable technique and numerous visual and taste games. Tradition and avant-garde coexist. Madness and common sense in perfect harmony. Each dish hides a story told in sequences and presented in compositions of great aesthetic beauty, where the protagonist is always the flavor. Flavor and happiness go hand in hand for Ramón Freixa, as he reflects in these words: “I work from tradition and experiment to create new recipes that surprise and, above all, that please, because cooking is taste, flavor. And why do I cook? Because it is a way to make people happy”.