30 september 2023

D*na Festival opens the doors of its sixth edition

The Marineta Cassiana promenade in Dénia has hosted the official opening of the sixth edition of D*na Gastronomic Festival, a meeting that, once again, has brought together some of the best chefs in our country to cook, discover and highlight the richness of the products and gastronomic culture of the Mediterranean, and in particular of the Marina Alta region.

The opening event included the participation of the Minister of Tourism, Nuria Montes, who highlighted D*na as "one of the most important events in Spanish gastronomy , which is also celebrated in Dénia, named Creative City of Gastronomy by UNESCO."

As vice president of the Dénia Creative City of Gastronomy Foundation, Cristina Sellés wanted to thank all public administrations for their support," to the Dénia City Council, the Department and the Board of Trustees of Tourism; as well as the sponsors, producers, speakers, restaurateurs and all the staff who have made this great event possible."

In this same sense, Vicent Grimalt, president of the Fundació Dénia Ciutat Creativa de la Gastronomia and mayor of Dénia, has shown his gratitude for the work of all those involved in the organization of the Festival, and wanted to highlight the “support of the more than 22,000 visitors and residents of Dénia who are expected to attend this new edition of D*na.”

A great festival of gastronomy

As the three Michelin star chef Quique Dacosta, gastronomic curator and promoter of the Festival, has explained, this new edition of D*na “pays tribute to the sea, to the relationship of human beings with it and to their importance as an economic, cultural, gastronomic and tourist axis”.

Under this conceptual axis, today Saturday, September 30 and Sunday, October 1, the Paseo de la Marineta in Dénia will host numerous activities open to the public, including gastronomic workshops and showcookings by well-known Michelin-starred chefs, such as Ángel León , Nacho Manzano, José Avillez, Sergio Torres, Josean Alija, Sergio Bastard, Lucía Freitas, Pablo González and Carolina Álvarez; along with prominent chefs from the Valencian Community.

The festival route will also have sales and tasting stalls, where local producers and restaurateurs will offer visitors the most representative gastronomic products and preparations of the Valencian Community.